Dharamshala: As part of the ongoing Tibet advocacy efforts organized by the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile, a delegation of parliamentarians, including Geshe Lharampa Gowo Lobsang Phende and Wangdue Dorjee, concluded their European outreach in the Baltic states, with their final program in Estonia on November 14, 2024.
In the morning at 11:30 AM, a meeting was held in the parliament building of Estonia, organized by MP Juku-Kalle Raid, the Chair of the Tibet Support Group in the Estonian Parliament and member of the Estonia’s Foreign Affairs Commission. The meeting was attended by several members of the Estonian Parliament, including MP Henn Põlluaas, MP Kalle Laanet, MP Jüri Jaanson, MP Tõnis Lukas, and MP Tarmo Tamm. During the meeting, the parliamentarians provided an update on the current critical situation in Tibet and reiterated their continued support for the Tibetan cause.
Afterwards, at 1:30 PM, they visited the Tallinna Reaalkool (Tallinn Secondary School of Science) and gave a presentation on the situation in Tibet to the Deputy Head of the school, Madis Somelar, as well as to students from grades 11 and 12, participated. During the 3-hour session, they provided an overview of the current critical situation in Tibet and engaged in a Q&A.
In the evening at 7:30 PM, they met with Ardi Hilpus, who has previously been Estonian diplomat in Germany, Norway, Iceland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Russia. Afterwards, they had dinner with three Estonian parliamentarians, and the Chair of the Tibet Support Group. This concluded a successful visit to the Baltic states of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, where they carried out various advocacy activities for Tibet.
The Secretary of the Office of Tibet in the UK, Kunga, and the Chair of the Estonia Tibet Support Group, Roy Strider, also participated in the Tibet advocacy work during this visit.