Brussels: Khenpo Sonam Tenphel, the Speaker of the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile, delivered a speech at the closing ceremony of the 9th International Conference on Tibet Support Group held at Thon Hotel in Brussels, Belgium, on February 25, 2024. The conference convened by Tibet Interest Group, European Parliament and co-hosted by Belgium based International Campaign for Tibet was held from 22nd to 25th February 2024.
The Speaker began his speech by greeting Hon’ble Sikyong Penpa Tsering, Senator Jacqueline Eustache Brinio, Chair of French Parliamentary Tibet Support Group, Kalon Norzin Dolma, Minister of Department of Information and International Relations, Karma Choeying, Secretary of Department of Information and International Relations, distinguished guests and Tibet supporters around the globe.
“On behalf of the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile and personally, I would like to extend my warm greetings and sincere gratitude for your unwavering support for the just cause of Tibet. The primary aim of this conference was to offer a platform for Tibet Support Groups (TSGs) to strategize and develop new plans, ensuring the continued vibrancy of Tibetan struggle on the international stage. I am sure you had a productive meeting with a tangible plan and guideline to carry forward to your respective countries. We must know that the Tibet issue goes beyond politics: it involves preserving and survival of a culture rooted in compassion and inner peace through non-violence. This culture has immense potential to contribute to the well-being of humanity in this materialistic society that is reeling under greed and fear. I am delighted to be a part of this closing ceremony and to be able to connect with you through this message. We truly appreciate the pivotal roles Tibet support groups and Tibetan advocates play in shaping the course of the Tibetan struggle. Your voluntary commitment is deeply valued, and etched in Tibetan history. Tibet needs you and your support more than ever before.”
“Tibet, once an independent nation with a defined territory, distinctive population, culture and a functioning government that maintained diplomatic relations with its neighbouring country, served as a buffer state between two Asian giants for thousands of years. However, it now faces its darkest and most painful period despite PRC’s lofty claims of liberation and development. With the shrinking space to show dissent to the flawed communist policies, since 2009 over 157 Tibetans from all walks of lives have resorted to self-immolation to protest against China’s repressive policies including political repression, cultural assimilation, population transfer, racial discrimination, economic and education marginalization, massive environmental destruction and indiscriminate exploitation of minerals and water resources. The world must recognize that self- immolation is the desperate cry for attention from Tibetans inside Tibet to tell the outside world that all is not well inside Tibet.”
“The dream and aspiration of every human being is to have the fundamental rights and freedom and to have the dignity of life with one’s own distinct identity. Sadly, our Tibetan brothers and sisters in Tibet are deprived of these aspirations. In 2023, Freedom House ranked Tibet as the least free region in the world for the third consecutive year and UN special Rapporteur on the right of education, on minorities’ issues and in the field of cultural rights raised serious concerns over the separation of 1 million Tibetan children from families and forced assimilation at residential schools. On 10 December 2023 when world marked the 75th anniversary of the world’s most ground-breaking global pledges: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), a significant majority of Tibetans, specially writers, intellectuals, environmentalists, community leaders, entrepreneurs, philanthropists, and artists are unlawfully arrested, imprisoned, tortured and subjected to enforced disappearance for months before being brought for trial. According to Tibetan Centre for human rights and democracy (TCHRD), ‘In the case of Tibet, an entire region or population are made to submit DNA samples without choice, which makes such grave human rights violations unjustifiable.”
“On the 10th November 2023, the State Council Information Office of the Government of China published a white paper titled ‘CPC Policies on the Governance of Xizang in the New Era; Approach and Achievements.’ The content of the so-called white paper is attributed to the theory ‘tell a lie often enough, it becomes truth’. Since 1992 PRC has released a total of 16 white papers on Tibet alone, consistently attempting to establish the existence of what does not truly prevail in Tibet. Thus, the content of the latest white paper was another addition to the brazen lies and baseless claims about the achievements of the PRC since its forceful occupation of Tibet. If rhetoric such as ‘suffering turned into happiness with the arrival of communist party’ is true, why do our people resort to self-immolation in anguish? Why was UN High commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet denied access to Tibet in 2022? PRC is yet to concoct an answer to these endless questions. The white paper also asserts that the reincarnations of the Dalai Lama and Panchen Lama must be looked for within the country, decided through the practice of lot-drawing from a golden urn, and approved by the Chinese government, which not only does not accord with the established Tibetan Buddhist traditions, but also reiterates China’s old and distorted narration of the history of Tibet. Such a method can never be acceptable to the Tibetan people or followers of the Tibetan Buddhist traditions.”
“The Central Tibetan Administration is committed to the Middle Way Approach, to peacefully resolve the issue of Tibet and to bring about stability and co-existence between the Tibetan and Chinese peoples based on equality and mutual cooperation. In order for a meaningful negotiations between Tibetans and China to occur, it is important for the international communities to treat the Tibet- China conflict as a matter of international concern and not of China’s internal affairs as dictated by the PRC. We call upon the policy and the decision makers to uphold international law and refrain from endorsing or acknowledging China’s sovereignty claims over Tibet in any manner.”
“In exile, democracy stands as the gift bestowed upon the Tibetan people by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The Central Tibetan Administration is the legitimate representative of Tibet and its people. After His Holiness the Dalai Lama devolved his political authority to the elected leaders of the Central Tibetan Administration in 2011, the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile has diligently carried out its responsibilities. In addition to the routine operations of the legislative body, the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile has programs of reaching out to the International and Indian Parliament members and general public in India with state advocacy campaigns.”
“The Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile has organized a series of World Parliamentarians Conventions on Tibet (WPCTs) with the 8th WPCT held in Washington DC in 2022 attracting over 100 participants from 26 different countries. Taking this opportunity, I would like to share with you that we are planning to hold the 9th WPCT in Tokyo, Japan, and I hope to see participation from many members of the parliament through the assistance and support from Tibet supporters present here.”
“Change is an inherent law of nature and no great empires have survived forever. Examining the today’s internal power struggles within the CCP, coupled with a growing number of external investors distancing themselves from China and unemployment within; highlight the prevailing instability within China. The economy grapples with a slowdown in real estate and other sectors, exacerbated by a mounting public dissatisfaction against the CCP’s perceived reluctance to address citizens’ concerns. In light of these circumstances, there exists a unique opportunity for Tibetans and Tibet supporters to play a crucial role in fostering an amicable resolution to the Tibet-China conflict.”
“Each Tibetan bears a responsibility for our shared cause, and making it crucial for individuals to contribute in their unique capacities. This is particularly crucial given the steadfast support of Tibet’s allies, who have consistently demonstrated unwavering commitment to the just cause of Tibet. We deeply appreciate your ongoing support and recognize its significance in addressing the complexities of the Sino-Tibetan conflict.”
“The 9th International Conference of Tibet Support Groups in Brussels, Belgium, brought together Tibet Support Groups (TSGs) for a comprehensive meeting. I earnestly appeal to all participants that the resolutions and action plans formulated during this three-day conference should be diligently implemented upon returning to your respective countries. It is imperative to translate these efforts into tangible outcomes, aligning with the gravity of the situation inside Tibet.”
“I extend my thanks to the Tibet Interest Group of the European Parliament, along with the International Campaign for Tibet, Belgium and the Department of Information and International relations (CTA) for arranging this Conference and inviting me to participate. Also, my heartfelt gratitude to all the friends of Tibet present here,” the Speaker concluded.