Berlin, Germany: Deputy Speaker Dolma Tsering Teykhang of the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile as a part of the delegation of Members of South Asian Parliamentarians has been on a study tour to Germany from 5th to 11th November, 2023.
Other members of the delegation include Shri Sujeet Kumar, a member of Rajya Sabha, India; Dr. P. Sudharshini Fernandopulle, a member of Parliament, Sri Lanka; Mrs. Nagina Yadav, a member of the House of Representative, Nepal; Mr. Ali Nizar, Mayor of Addu City, Maldives Democratic Party; Mrs. Tshering Tsomo, member of Parliament, Bhutan; and Shri Brijender Singh, member of Parliament, Lok Sabha, India.

On 6th Nov 2023, the delegation members were briefed on ‘The German Views on South Asia’ by Dr. Habil. Christian Wagner- Senior Fellow at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP). Followed by ‘Work of Friedrich Naumann Foundation in Germany and Abroad’ by Prof. Karl-Heinz Paque, Chairman of the board of directors, FNF for Freedom, and Dr. Rene Klaff, Head of International Department, FNF for Freedom. Deputy Speaker Dolma Tsering Teykhang along with other South Asian Parliamentarians were also taken on a guided tour of the German Parliament- Bundestag and later in the evening Christine Aschenberg – Dugnus, member of German Bundestag, hosted a dinner at Parliament House for the women parliamentarians.

The next day, the Deputy Speaker and other members of the delegation visited the Topography of Terror – an outdoor and indoor history museum in Berlin – and thereafter they were introduced to ‘Current Topics of German Government Work and the Federal Ministry of Finance’ by Dr. Florian Toncar, Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister of Finance. In a lunch meeting with Charles du Vinage, Head of Asia Desk, FNF, Potsdam, and Daniela Sacca, Asia Desk, FNF, Potsdam, the delegates were briefed on ‘Five Thoughts on Federalism and Decentralisation in Asia’. Following that the delegates were introduced to ‘The Structure of the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry and German Economic Relations with South Asia’ by Dr. Volker Treier, Chief Executive of Foreign Trade, Member of the Executive Board, International and European Economic Affairs, German Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Katharina Wittke, Head of Division South and Southeast Asia, Pacific, APA: Australia and Asia-Pacific Conference of German Business (APK), German Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

After all the engagements there were Q & A sessions during which Deputy Speaker Dolma Tsering Teykhang raised the issues relating to Tibet and Tibetans to draw the attention of the esteemed German officials for their consideration and gave appeal letters on behalf of TPIE. She has given open invitations to most of them to Dharamshala to witness the Democracy in Exile.
On 8th November, the Deputy Speaker and other delegates left Berlin for Mainz and shall continue the program there. This visiting program to Berlin & Mainz is organized by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF).