Dharamshala: Concurring with the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile’s ongoing advocacy tour in Ladakh, a parliamentary delegation consisting of parliamentarians Dawa Tsering, Yeshi Dolma, and Tenpa Yarphel continued their Tibet advocacy campaign in Ladakh.
On 8th September, the MPs called on Brig (Dr) B. D Mishra (Retd), Honourable Lieutenant Governor of Ladakh; Ven. Tsering Angdus, President of Ladakh Gonpa Association, and Shri Sonam Wangchuk, Director of the Himalayan Institute of Alternatives, also an innovator, engineer, and education reformist.
During their meetings, the Tibetan lawmakers advocated support for the just cause of Tibet and presented them with the ten-point appeal letter from the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile. They were also presented with a Tibetan ceremonial scarf (Khata), and TPiE documents outlining the issue of Tibet.
The Tibetan parliamentary delegation gave talks at the University of Ladakh on the resolution of the Sino-Tibetan conflict.