Brussels: As per the program of the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile, a parliamentary delegation consisting of parliamentarians Khenpo Jamphal Tenzin, Lopon Thupten Gyaltsen, and Dorjee Tseten commenced their official visit to Europe beginning with Belgium.
Upon their arrival in Brussels on 28th June 2023, the parliamentary delegation was received by representative Rigzin Choedon Genkhang and staff of Bureau du Tibet, president and executive committee members of the Tibetan association, and representatives of the Tibetan NGOs.
On the same day, the delegates called upon MEP Tomáš Zdechovský from the Czech Republic and apprised him of human rights and religious freedom in Tibet. The MEP was also briefed on the historical status of Tibet’s independence and on the middle-way policy of the Central Tibetan Administration.
The parliamentary delegation appealed to the MEP to raise the issue of the Tibet-China conflict in the European Parliament and to adopt resolutions on Tibet. The MPs reiterated the need to appoint a special coordinator for the Tibet issue in the European Union.
MEP Tomáš Zdechovský affirmed his support for the Tibetan freedom movement and assured doing his best to garner support from other relevant governments.
The Tibetan delegates also visited an exhibition on the environment organized by one of the MEPs where they presented some Tibet-related documents and books.
The delegation will continue their Tibet advocacy in Belgium until July 2nd.