Prague: A Tibetan Parliamentary delegation headed by parliamentarian Tenpa Yarphel and consisting of parliamentarians Youdon Aukatsang and Wangdue Dorjee, on 18th Nov 2022, paid a courtesy call on Ambassador Liang-Ruey Ke of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Prague.
During their meeting with the Ambassador, the Tibetan delegates apprised him of the current alarming situation inside of Tibet including a clampdown on religious activities, environmental destruction, and others. They appealed for Taiwan’s support for the cause of Tibet.
On 17th Nov, the Tibetan parliamentary delegation attended the Czech Republic’s 33th National Day of Freedom and Democracy and commemorated it by laying a wreath in the honor of the people who fought for the country’s freedom.
The delegates also gave an interview to Sinopsis and visited Tibet House in Prague, they successfully concluded their official visit to the Czech Republic.